5 Tips for Halloween Safety


Halloween is fast approaching. It is an exciting time of the year for kids of all ages – pumpkin carvings, haunted houses, hayrides and scary movies. Most kids are getting excited to dress up in their favorite costume and get free candy! Here are 5 tips to help make the festivities fun and safe for your trick-or-treaters.

Trick-or-treating. A responsible adult should always accompany younger children, but as long as your older kids can contact you, are with friends and you agree on a curfew, they’ll be fine. Also make sure your children know how to call 9-1-1 (or their local emergency number) if they have an emergency or become lost.

Costumes. Adding reflective tape to your child’s costume and/or Halloween bag will help drivers see them if they aren’t carry flashlights or glow sticks, but remember to make it work with the costume. And if a mask is part of the costume, make sure it doesn’t obstruct their vision or try non-toxic face paint and makeup as safer alternatives. If a sword, gun, cane, or stick is a part of your child's costume, make sure it is not sharp or too long. If they are younger they could stumble or trip on it.

Navigating. Remind your children to never cross between parked cars or driveways, cut across yards, or use an ally. It’s important to walk on well-lit streets, on the sidewalk and to cross at a designated crosswalk or corner. Have kids carry glow sticks or flashlights to help them see and be seen by drivers. Never enter a stranger’s house or car for a treat.

Candy. Check your child’s candy before you let them dig in. Throw out anything that is unwrapped  or homemade, unless you personally know who made it. If your child is younger, it may be a good idea to get rid of any treats that could be easily choked on, like gum, peanuts and small, hard candies. Contact your local fire department to see if they are doing a free candy check!

Alternatives. Can’t go Trick or Treating or just not feeling it this year? Check out the Halloween Extravaganza at the Parks Alumni House put on by the college students on October 26th. It will have refreshments, crafts and games and a “candy-gathering tour”.

You can find more fun Halloween events on our events calendar.

Charley Rawlings