Tools for Social Emotional Health

With all of the changes happening here and across the world due to Covid 19 and our response to it, children’s well-being and mental health are most definitely taking a toll.  None of us have experienced this before so there really isn’t a guidebook. Below are just some ideas.  Please note that some of this overlaps with what has been discussed in prior blogs. But because social/emotional health is so crucial to our lives, and our children’s, this really can’t be overstated. 

* I am going to put this one first. Because there is a saying that you have to put a life saving device on yourself first, in order to be able to save someone else.  There is more information about this, that has been mentioned in prior blogs also. So as much as possible, try and take care of yourself.  Whether it’s getting out in nature, listening to calming music, limiting social media, exercise, yoga, doing some form of art, meditation are some ideas.  Explore your interests and encourage your children to do the same.

* Create a daily routine for your children so that they have a sense of predictability and know what to expect from day to day. 

* Carve out time to spend with your kids in some way, whether it’s eating a meal together, doing  a project together (ex., cooking or baking), a walk/run/bike ride, board game, or watching a movie/show.

*Talk to your children about their feelings.  Let them express themselves. If they are anxious or depressed, and you feel they could benefit from therapy, then please reach out to your local provider for recommendations on someone they can talk to.

* Don’t underestimate the importance of eating healthy and getting enough sleep (for grown-ups and kids). These are crucial for our well being. 

*Turn off the news and social media.  There is so much negativity in the world right now. So try and create a positive space for yourself, and limit your exposure to things that may trigger feelings of negativity or anxiety. 

Below are some local resources you may or may not know about:


* Providing support for families from pregnancy to age 5:

* Cortland County Community Action Program, inc -

* Child Development Council -

* For Early Intervention Services and serving children with disabilities:

Maytali Novak