Positive Parenting 101: Middle Childhood (6-8 years old)

When it comes to children between the ages of 6 to 8, there’s a long list of ways to practice positive parenting. Recognizing accomplishments and showing affection, talking about school and friends, and playing games and reading are just a few of the great moments you can share with your growing child.

Positive Parenting Tips for Children between 6 and 8 Years Old:

  1. Recognize Accomplishments: When your child completes a task or learns something new, congratulate them and show that you see their accomplishment!

  2. Taking Responsibility: Start to give your child some low-level responsibilities. A chore like setting the table is a great place to start.

  3. Talking Together: Spend time chatting with your child about school, their friends, and things that they’re looking forward to in the future.

  4. Discipline Over Punishment: When you use discipline with your child, use it in a way that protects and guides them instead of using a punishment that makes them feel bad. Whenever you have a conversation about what not to do, follow it up with what to do instead.

  5. Get Involved With School: Set aside time to get involved with your child’s school. Opening up communication with your child’s teacher and school staff can help you stay in the know with your child’s academic accomplishments and progress.

  6. Taking On Challenges: When new challenges arise, like your child having a disagreement with a friend, encourage your child to conquer the challenge on their own by developing problem solving skills.

Embrace this adventure, learn as you go, and remember, you're not alone on this rollercoaster ride of love and growth. To learn more about developmental milestones, positive parenting, and child safety tips, visit: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/childdevelopment/positiveparenting/