Library Card Sign-Up Month

Book bags, two-pocket folders, composition notebooks and a box of crayons. What did your back-to-school list look like? This week, we’re talking about one more important thing you need to kick off the school year right: a library card!

It’s officially library card sign-up month, and it’s time to celebrate.

  1. Head over to your local library and browse the selection of books, movies, and more at your fingertips! (If you’re unsure what your closest library is, check out

  2. Get your free library card for you and your family today by signing up in person or conveniently right here. (See the simple requirements for signing up, which include photo ID and proof of address.)

  3. Take home endless adventures in the library’s selection of children’s books and stories and read with your child!

Already have a library card and want to give your child their own? The Cortland Free Library requires youth 12 as needing adult supervision and to be able to write their own name.

There’s never been a better time to sign up your child for their own library card. Since 1987, families have been celebrating library card sign-up month by getting their cards and diving into the exciting worlds held within the library’s doors.

Take this September as your family’s chance to join in on this exciting and totally free opportunity!

School AgeMatt Whitman