Important Milestones at Two Years
Now at their second birthday, there are new milestones to k keep track of your child grows and develops. As always, address any questions or concerns you may have with your child’s doctor. Here’s what most 2-year-olds can do at this age:
Picks up when people around them are sad or hurt, like pausing or looking at someone whose crying
Looks at your face in a new situation to for clues as to how to react
When you ask about something in a book, like, “Where is the cat?” your child points to it
Says at least two words together, like “more milk”
Can point to at least two body parts when asked to show you them
Is giving more gestures than just waving or pointing, such as blowing kisses or nodding yes
Holds something in one hand while using the other hand, like taking a lid off a container they’re holding
Tries using switches, knobs, buttons
Plays with more than one toy at once
Can kick a ball
Walks up stairs with or without help, without climbing
Uses a spoon to eat
Remember, you know your child best. Talk with your child’s doctor about any of your concerns and ask about developmental screening.
Looking for tips and activities to do with your child to assist in their learning and development? Visit the CDC’s milestones pages here.