Holiday Toy Safety Tips

Ah, the Holidays are here! Your kids are buzzing around with excitement, waiting for that magical day when presents show up under the tree. While your child decided on the toys for his or her wish list based on the fun factor, you are probably more concerned about the safety factor, especially if you have younger children in the house.

Did you know? According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission:

Hospital emergency rooms treated an estimated 251,700 toy-related injuries in 2010 throughout the United States. 72% were to people less than 15 years of age.

Here are a few things to make sure of in order to keep your children safe: 

The toy is age appropriate. Often children ask for toys that may not be age appropriate because they look cool or fun. Don't give in. There is a reason manufacturers give age levels.

The instructions are followed. It is easy to open up the package and start playing but adults should take the time to make sure they are in the know. Read the instructions and any other important information that comes along with the toy to make sure you child is using it as intended.

Children are being supervised. At the end of the day, kids will be kids. A toy for an older sibling can be a danger or chocking hazard for a younger child in the home. Make sure older children know to be safe and keep an eye out for babies or toddlers. Battery charging should be supervised by adults.

Through away the packaging. Immediately discard plastic wrapping or other toy packaging before they become dangerous play things.

Check for toy recalls. In 2007 alone, toy makers recalled over 19 million toys worldwide because of safety concerns such as lead paint and small magnets.

Have a wonderful (and safe!) Holiday!