Children's Dental Health Month

February is Children’s Dental Health Month! As a parent, it’s important to help your little one develop good oral hygiene habits now so that their teeth stay healthy for many years to come. 

According to the CDC, cavities are the most common chronic disease of childhood. Children who have poor oral health often miss more school and receive lower grades than children who don’t have oral health The good news? Cavities are preventable! 

Here are the CDC’s P-E-A-R-L-S of Wisdom when it comes to your child’s dental health:

Protect tiny teeth by caring for your oral health when you’re pregnant. The future of your child’s oral health begins with you taking care of cavities and monitoring your gum health when pregnant.

Ensure to wipe your baby’s gums after each and every meal.

Avoid putting babies to bed with a bottle.

Remember to brush your child’s teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. If your child is younger than 2, talk to your doctor about when to start using fluoride toothpaste.

Limit drinks and foods with added sugar. By choosing a diet with that features fruits and vegetables while reducing fruit drinks, cookies, and candies. That’s going to give your child the best shot at avoiding cavities and starting healthy oral habits.

Schedule your child’s first dentist appointment by their first birthday or when their first tooth makes its appearance. 

With a little bit of effort, you can give your child the gift of a lifetime of healthy smiles! Celebrate Children’s Dental Health Month this February by committing to instilling good oral hygiene habits in your child. It’s never too late to start – or too early!