Attendance? Here!

It’s hard to believe that this Thursday is already the start of September. Right in time for back to school, September is Attendance Awareness Month!

Why does attendance matter?

Sure, most of us know that the kids should be going to school everyday because, well, it’s where the kids are supposed to be. Good attendance–and avoiding chronic absence–is important for so many reasons.

According to Attendance Works, over 8 million kids were missing enough school to be considered at risk academically. That’s not good. What’s worse? Since the pandemic, those numbers have more than doubled

Chronic absence is defined as missing 10% or more of school days each year–including both excused and unexcused absences. Kids who are chronically absent can have a harder time learning to read by the third grade level, an important milestone for young readers, success in middle school, and even graduating from high school.

Thankfully, you can take action today to prepare your child for future success through good attendance habits:

  • Make the academic journey an adventure by talking, singing, and having fun when discussing school wit your child

  • Keep to a schedule that includes a regular bedtime routine

  • Start the school day right with a morning routine

  • Prep the day before by laying out clothes, packing bags and making lunches ahead of time

  • Make fun songs and stories about getting ready for school, eating breakfast, and heading to class

  • Talk to other parents about their routines and how they prioritize good attendance habits

  • Ask teachers and other school resources about questions you have regarding COVID-19 or any other concerns you may have

Setting up good attendance habits when your child is young can be a fun and healthy way to practice important tools that your child can use as they continue to climb grades at school.